Online learning for children and adults

Our tutors help build confidence, enjoy learning and succeed in exams.

We offer you instant support with outstanding tutors.

Succeed in and enjoy learning

Our tutors build a strong team that brings great results!

Competitive hourly rates

GET IN TOUCH if you wish to discuss your requirements and receive guidance from professional teachers and lecturers. 

Find great tutors here.

Our team helps students grow in confidence and reach the desired grades. We bring you carefully selected private tutors who provide effective and enjoyable learning.

All our online tutors have excellent subject knowledge in the area they teach.

Their professionalism and interest make their online tuition effective and fun. Click HERE to see their profiles. 

A FREE CONSULTATION is a good way to meet your online tutor, who will listen to your requirements and tell you how they can help. 

Online tutor
Get started with online learning:

We teach a range of levels and subjects which you can select from the top panel.  

Reviews from students

Our students leave reviews for the tutors and for the service. To send a new review, email 

Thank you for your continuous support and for choosing your online learning with us!

Students enjoy online lessons.

Our students tell us that online learning helps them:

  • Feel relaxed and comfortable during lessons
  • Ask questions without being shy
  • Concentrate 
  • Take lessons even if they are not well enough to go out
  • Attend lessons without asking for a lift from a parent 
  • Find the right tutors even if they don’t live near them

We tutors enjoy working using digital media because:

  • We can prepare all materials in one place and share them
  • Online learning allows us reach students from all corners of the UK, even those in the most remote areas
  • There is no need to travel, save time, protect the environment
  • Our rapport with the students is better than in face-to-face settings due to our experience with online tutoring.
Why we like teaching online
A typical online lesson at BK tutoring

Same level of collaboration in online classes as in face-to-face teaching.

A typical online lesson at BK Tutoring is either 40 or 60 minutes long. Tutors meet their students on Zoom and use the camera and microphone to communicate. As a result, online learning has the same amount of interaction as in-person tuition, with the additional advantage of keeping all resources in one place. 

Resources we use

Tutors use an interactive whiteboard during lessons to write examples, explain rules and answer questions. The “chat box” also offers a place to share links to online resources and the “share screen” option is widely used by tutors to share a PowerPoint or a document with examples and exercises.

Resources we share

Students do not need to purchase any resources or subscribe to any paid service. We provide a link to Zoom at the point of booking. All it takes is a computer and a peaceful place for online learning to begin.

Online setting

Our tutors and students find that online teaching & learning works well for many reasons. For example, many students prefer studying from the comfort of their home or may be a little shy in other settings.

Competitive hourly rates

Online tuition from £28 for 40-minute lessons. 

All GCSE and A Level subjects at £35 per 1 hour of teaching.

GET IN TOUCH if you wish to discuss your needs. Advice and guidance on the best way to address your requirements from professional teachers and lecturers. 

Immediate support from our online tutors

Our tutors help their students grow in confidence and reach the desired grades. BK Tutoring brings children and adult learners together with carefully selected private tutors and offers enjoyable learning.

We teach a range of levels and subjects which you can select from the top panel.  

All our tutors have academic degrees in the area they teach and are enthusiastic about their subjects area. Click HERE for the tutors’ profiles. 

A FREE CONSULTATION is a good way to meet your online tutor, who will listen to your requirements and tell you how they can help. 

Online tutor
Reviews from students

Our students leave reviews for the tutors and for the service. To send a new review, email 

Thank you for your continuous support!

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Our online Maths tuition helps children improve their skill and grades from Primary School to A-Levels.

Revision for mock exams available now.

Book a Free Chat with a tutor or your first private online lesson in order to increase your chances of doing well in your mocks and grow in confidence for the final exams!